To Provide full security to abandoned and destitute Children by adopting and housing them, so as to make them feel completely at home.
In view of the urgent and immediate need of receiving and providing foster care to destitute boys and girls to save them from falling into the clutches of anti social elements (ever ready to use them as tools for carrying out their unlawful and unscrupulous activities like putting them to beg, child labour, trafficking, other abuses/violence etc.), our organisation is ever ready to welcome and accomodate children identified by Rescue Agencies and kind hearted individuals.
A part from the above facilities and for overall development, we are also providing the training for skill improvement / vocational specialisation in tune with individual aptitude/interest.
Our endeavour is to make their lives free from his/her daily existence and survival issues and pave the way for leading their future lives as dignified and responsible young citizens. Towards achieving these objectives, we seek your whole hearted and generous support.
As every rain drop adds to form mighty rivers, you too can make a significant difference in what ever way you choose to contribute for this Noble cause of rehabilitating destitute children and in a manner suiting your convenience and time.
NavaJyothi Mahila Mandali is a registred society (Regd No. 1118/1987) and is exempted under section 12A/80G of Income Tax Act. FCRA in state bank of Hyderabad Saroornagar Branch, Hyderabad. contributions can be remitted to our Bank Account No. 520188399983 opened and in operation vide FCRA sanction no. 10230481/2001.
For Contributions From India our General Account is at State Bank of India.
Account No : 30909153689,
IFSC: SBIN0011667.
Gaddiannaram Branch, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and we look forward for your generous support for this worthy cause.